I hate this offer because I HATE BUY ANYTHING WHICH USES MONEY in this game!
Why some features in here has been removed?
Features you’re removed: Friends challenge Daily treat machine Help friends when friends got stuck in the levels Extra life and two boosters (once a day)
I stuck in level 2361 with only 1 gold bar. Help!
Help me please! I was said in the title is that!
You create such event which are abuses me!
I often stuck in normal level but harder, hard levels, super and nightmarishly levels, also, the most stressful one is Legendary level. I have too few gold bars, like I have smaller than 4 gold bars. I hate buying something will pay by money, like gold bars, etc. So that, stop events which are abuse me!
Thank you for good event!
Thank you for good event, Bash for bars! I love this, and I can easily get free gold bars without pass levels!
A bad event!
Bad event ever is Gold Rush! Gold Rush always abuse me! I stuck in a legendary level, I don’t want to buy anything by money, I have no more gold bars! Please remove this abuseful event, Gold Rush!
You're make pass levels events to abuse me!
I got stuck in a Legendary Level, I don't want to buy anything, I have no gold bars left. I need an event which get free boosters or gold bars but must without pass levels. If you continue to make pass levels event to abuse me, I won't play until have event which get free boosters or gold bars but must without pass levels!
I need good events!
I need events which have free GB but must without pass levels!