Level 2
So. Unless you win the episode race you cannot earn gold bars. King must be desperate for funds if they have to stoop this low to make money out of us. There is now no way to collect bars without buying them and they have made levels impossible to pass without using gold bars.
Has any normal (not developer who has numerous boosters and EXTRA moves!) Passed this level? I think 50 extra moves won't be enough and countless gold bars. King are really taking us for complete imbeciles now. Every level has become impossible to complete without using gold bars. Why are they doing this? Presumably to…
Why are there ridiculous completed videos showing many more moves than us normal mortals get? What is the point?
Yet another impossible level without boosters! Why do you keep doing it? Greed is the only answer I can come up with. Also, why do we always get fewer moves than your developers? Why am I still here, caring?!
Am sure they have cut the number of moves to an impossible level. What is the point?
I'm being addressed as someone different. Please give me back my name!
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