I’m totally done with this game now. It’s bed enough that they don’t listen to players complaint about blockers in mini game but the fact the game reboots every single time you come out of it even for a second is infuriating. Some of us want to improve our scores or stars in previous levels but aren’t allowed. Goodby folks.
Mission blockers
Can someone please tell me why people click on a mission in Team Quests and then never complete or free it up when requested? They just sit there, of no use to anything or anyone.
Games keeps refreshing itself.
I decided to go back and start getting my one and two star levels up to three stars but I can’t now as the games keeps refreshing all the time and taking back to level 3326. It’s infuriating as I’ve turned off background app refresh on my iPad for everything. I really feel like giving up with this game altogether as the…
Team Quest blockers
why can’t something be put in place to remove people from a tile they haven’t completed after say 24 hours, as surely that’s more than enough time for anyone to complete a tile if they intend to do so and allows for different time zones.