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christinewupp Level 5


  • Hello @avivah You are not the only person who has posted about a problem with claiming their winnings from Candy Royale in the past few days. There may have been a problem with this event, and the Community Manager has been asked to look into this. Please be patient until she comes back tomorrow and hopefully will then…
  • Wir sind keine Mitarbeiter! Wir sind Spieler, genau wie du auch. Auch PummyRaj hat keine Möglichkeit, in dein Account zu gelangen. Das kann nur ein Mitarbeiter von King. Bitte gedulde dich bis morgen, wenn QueenB wiederkommt. QueenB ist die Einzige hier, die für King arbeitet und direkten Kontakt zu King aufnehmen kann.…
    in Jackpot Comment by christinewupp June 24
  • You are not allowed to sell anything here. You are NOT allowed to sell Candy Crush gold bars or anything to do with your account.
  • I don't know but maybe there is a queen?
  • @PummyRaj I think my answer went for approval as I can't see it here. There have been a lot of player complaining about not getting their Candy Royale jackpot! There must be a glitch in the event. How can we help these people? Here is another one just now>
    in Jackpot Comment by christinewupp June 24
  • Oh dear, that is disappointing @Pyrolight . I just started a game and got to level 25 and have the Candy Cup in it already at level 30. I play on mobile. Do you play on PC? I've heard from others who don't get it because they play on Pc. King are making this a mobile only game more and more. Hope you'll be back? I've…
  • I don't think you can. I don't see that option in my game features.
  • The point of watching the video being what? It shows you need tons of boosters and still can't finish it in 36 moves? That was the point we were making, wasn't it?
  • It is not actually possible to pass a level for anyone else! Even if your friends helped you in the "help a friend " feature all you would get is some boosters on your board.
  • Couldn't you have picked a more fun level for your little experiment? I scrolled all the way back to this from 16,000+ and it's such a horrible level to play….
  • In dem Text von Kiara tippe auf das Wort "HERE"!
    in Jackpot Comment by christinewupp June 24
  • Hello @JimAlf and welcome to the community! You are right of course, I'm about 800 levels ahead of you now and I can assure you nothing is going to change, so if the game isn't fun to enjoy, don't spend ANY money on it! I would not spend a penny on something that is just frustrating me and not value for money.
  • Not yet! You'll have to collect some green trophies first!
  • Hello @MM46 By your description you certainly should have got some chocolate from the spawners. I did. I just tried this level and got myself deliberately into the position I think you found yourself in?: I made some matches on the top row and found that two chocolate did spawn within the next three moves. So I am baffled…
  • Hello @momgyver Many of us have found the same and we are not yet quite sure if it is harmless or what is causing it. The community manager is trying to investigate and needs us to leave our player ID for this, so please could you join us here:
  • You can't. It is not possible to withdraw any money from Candy Crush as there is no money in this game. You have not invested anything into this game as it is free to download and free to play. The gold bars are fake.
  • Well spotted @Peaches12 ! I couldn't help checking if I also would find the my Sneaky Melon Duck at level 1, so I scrolled back. Mine has 6000 banner, because, when I click on it, guess who it is down there at level 1? My old friend @Alienscar Right there at level zero, just as the player card states. @Peaches12 please…
  • I failed several times, it's very hard I agree. I did manage it once, but the event disappeared from my game since.
  • If you mean All Stars then it is likely to be the same as this year: anyone resident in US, Canada, UK and the European Union will automatically get the event in their games (no need to sign up or apply, it will just happen), when it is due to start. That is likely March 2025. Any other country we won't know until next…
  • ?????? This popped up in my game, Sunday 23rd June at 11.49h UK time. I have never changed the date on this device or this game ID. ??????

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