Curious why the technical team did not prepare the new feature BEFORE turning off the old one. (daily login/daisy bonus) I suppose they want to frustrate players and make them hunt for answers? At least I still have my maps. Can't wait for those to randomly disappear again.
My maps just came back. Now wild cards have appeared - I've never seen them before - and have no idea how to work. And no maps. And I'm stuck on some random level I've already played. What **EDIT: Rude** is making these changes!? Obviously someone who has never played the game. Telling my investment manager to sell my King…
I just opened the ap and got a message that said something like 'welcome to the new version'. No map. Paula it would be nice if King would let us know they're working on the map, so I wouldn't have to waste my time complaining here and could waste it on blossom blast instead.