The recipe I have baked is #58, so there has 14 hammers only. If it is the last slice, your team will get over 180 hammers.😆 I will bake it tomorrow if the cake is still existing 😁 Over 100, 👍 this is the first time I see and it is not created by me.👍
I follow your no.5 suggestion and then☠️☠️☠️😆😆 In some levels, such as level 9664, it is a legendary level but has a bad design. If you have too many boosters are activated, all boosters will appear simultaneously after starting the level not appearing gradually. Then when the level starts, it will shuffle immediately as…
Honestly, I have many GBs, because they are useless to me. I don't need to use GBs to buy any boosters or extra moves for passing a level. Therefore I sometimes use them to revive some hardworking bakers from jail.😆😆 When I bake a slice, I can get the team rewards immediately, so I have many boosters too. Some of them have…
This is infamous time glitch in Rocket Rush. I always check the progress screen after winning the first level. If the stripped candies don't register, I will close the game, press the auto settings in my device time, open the game. Everything will be OK.
This level is one of many infamous bad designed level. If you go back up to the top part, without having smashed enough soda bottles, you get stuck and simply cannot win the level, no matter how many moves you have left. This kind of glitch happens in many bubble bear levels, but the Studio do not hear the feedback from…
I have a 75 token meter, so I have to win more challenges than others. If I have passed a new level in a new episode, the episode race will begin. As all tasks except passing level task count towards the Friends Challenge on New Failed level, therefore I can use this method to participate the challenge and not waste my new…
After you have finished the cake no. 3, cake no.4 is around the corner under normal circumstances. This cake will be a difficult one, because it has 2 ultra hard levels. One is recipe#25—frosting bear and other one is the last recipe#60—bubble bear. Recipe#41 to recipe#45 are identical to cake no.3😆😆