How to send messages to other players that I have managed to finish another tile
I always see this message " I managed to finish another tile" from players who did just that. But I can't seem to find a way to send this message when I do finish a tile. I'm quite baffled by this. Can someone tell me how to do this
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*Edited by CM: Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules
🤹♂️Just a bit of fun for BW2 lovers 🤹♀️
Hi amazing BW2 lovers Let's share our love for the game by completing this sentence BW2 is better than ....... Looking forward to reading your replies 👍⭐ No account yet? Sign up here in 2 seconds!
Hola tengo una inquietud
Los participantes del bingo no juegan ya tengo varios días que no participan porque no hacer ruletas cundo pase esto? Gracias
Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English
♥️🤍 love *Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules
Bug in 3935
Hello, there is a bug in 3935 game please , could you fix. Thanks Ricardo BURI
Stack on level 2279
I stack on level 2279, the game won't move on even though l have completed the stage. Nearly a year now on one level.
Why does the Game take away my Potions?
For over a year now, every time I build up my potions....the game automatically takes it away and each potion goes back down to 1. It happened just yesterday again. I have lost hundreds of potion this way.....VERY UNFAIR!!!!
Me gustaría saber porque cuando nos ponen la misión a de tres participantes y les dices : libera tu casilla porque llevas ahí días y no nos deja avanzar no se mueve y nos fastidian . Me parece una falta de respeto ,señores ,si no podéis concluir el juego porque no le sale la misión liberen sus casillas por favor!! Un…
Ask friends for lives
when I tap the envelope it will not open