Why does the Game take away my Potions?
For over a year now, every time I build up my potions....the game automatically takes it away and each potion goes back down to 1. It happened just yesterday again. I have lost hundreds of potion this way.....VERY UNFAIR!!!!
Me gustaría saber porque cuando nos ponen la misión a de tres participantes y les dices : libera tu casilla porque llevas ahí días y no nos deja avanzar no se mueve y nos fastidian . Me parece una falta de respeto ,señores ,si no podéis concluir el juego porque no le sale la misión liberen sus casillas por favor!! Un…
Ask friends for lives
when I tap the envelope it will not open
Level 2548 unmöglich spielbar
Dieses Level 2548 kann man nicht spielen bzw. lösen
Game problem
My game number is stop to 977... And all my friends' games are up to 1000 but mine has stopped at 977...what's the problem. Can you help yes or no... Urject help okay ..
Game problem
My game number is stop to 977... And all my friends' games are up to 1000 but mine has stopped at 977...what's the problem. Can you help yes or no... Urject help okay ..
Mis posiones
No se como me sacaron el juego, pero cuando lo abrí de nuevo, ya no tenia mis pasiones para pasar los niveles tenia 15 y ya no los tengo. Que hago.
A tribute to my dear Grandmother
A couple of days ago, my grandmother passed away. She was 72 at the time, she helped raise me when my mother was out working and my dad was nowhere to be found. It's been a tough week without her, with every little thing reminding me of the amazing times we spent together. As I was looking through her phone for pictures, I…
It's time for me to give up ...
For too many weeks I have been playing and not receiving new lives as I have in the past. I'm tired of bitchin about it so I am gonna uninstall a game I have spent years enjoying. It WAS fun but now is a lesson in futility. See ya
New BW2 friends
Help Deborah Lawson