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Hi Bubbleicious players ๐โโ๏ธ
How you like to have a pretty "bubble lovers" badge on your wall
Then lets have some fun๐ฅณ
All players that play and post a minimum of 10 levels and you can replay old levels but the score must not be same will receive the bubble lovers badge ๐
For those of you who want to play further in addition to the pretty badge if you post a maximum of 30 levels you will also receive 4 fire bubble boosters a great booster to receive as it destroys everything including blockers
Don't worry you have plenty of time as this contest will run for 4 weeks
The end date will be the 10th of October
Please add your game ID to your post I will need this to grant you your rewards
Let's go guys ๐
Enjoy ๐
No account yet?ย SIGN UPย and join the fun!
@gamergirl25ย @tribunesย @jordanboyย @patricia50508ย @Paulogeraldoย @Lynn_Walker-2ย @phlockteacherย @deb17jsย @PHIL76ย @juancarlos19101959ย @Plautzย @Sabela_webย @slky1ย @Delilah_ย @brunoq33ย @abee817ย @Lesley-6ย @jfugasย @TeresaMeierย @Mysticdragonย @Seagoatย @Sabela_webย @Clementina_Eย @Beatriz43431ย @paolo5611ย @Doug_Pat_Brownย @epurvisย @Sharon1951ย @karacusiaย @tlsunshinein1ย @1234jcbย @lilavatiย @rangerragzย @yarnsrjย @visonย @ZiggySasha13ย @0414292032ย @Christiane1960ย @alveygย @neneeย @SamAndย @cannelleguadย @Josiemehmetย @mykkaandreaย @stacyfromspaceyย @chueigong13ย @shinย @Amoonmoonย @Daniel_Marillionย @Prissy4ย @howarl01ย @zeinaoostaย @DianaUย @TonyYnglesperezย @Rose_Ann-2ย @emotionalgirlย @tigerlillyukย @wykoonย @Princess_Jessicaย @LuciLu8ย @EnergizerBunnyย @siti_payungย @kuh85ย @Bethh60ย @solipsistย @Cleide_92ย @PummyRajย @kiara_waelย @teresawallace44ย @Sukanta_Biswasย @rebelchildย @BubbleGumSodaย @EOTheGr8ย @MirnaMiย @CassDย @me6412ย @DieOmimiย @Glenn1972ย @Pitty_Kittyย @chloelameย @maru8383ย @Moh1977ย @maf34100ย @LeFlarcaneย @spoekieย @Angel_Natashaย @Racoon7ย @eightmilenkcย @GrammaGamingย @Qamarwshย @ndaozย @Boybinaryย @aautz1ย @criscountย @dananelleย @Spieler_8675309ย @bearwithmeย @Nat09ย @BQN537ย @carmenechevarriaย @MiladyRย @KCullen127ย @Palash_Sarmaย @encantesย @Elaine67ย @mulliganaceousย @greddycandyย @Elviramartinez_61ย @Lemurtekย @gordan10ย @kimsmitgytderย @andreah1ย @Lady_Chooย @pongzkieย @spoekieย @hechicerillaย @Elsa_Reyesย @gamegirl55ย @pandyprincetonย @Tdnewย @Terri_1ย @cindycyleeย @rukzย @aprilmay0595ย @Lisal6715ย @fruxisย @littlemissmim08ย @Franklin246ย @Haleakalaย @jordan076ย @xCher046ย @johamilton
Bubblific contest! @PrettyBubbles ๐๐ฎ
I will "sharping" my wand.
Hi @PrettyBubbles, here are my entries (Look at the score from the upper left, but the completed levels doesn't show a score since there is a common event)
And my game ID in BW2:
Hi @PrettyBubbles,
Am still trying to get the remaining 2 stars (need 2 more) but have no luck for now, getting always 3stars. Have a question re this new competition you just announced. Does it matter whether it are bubbles, owls etc.? And in case I am lucky to score the 2 remaining stars needed can I count these 2 also for the new competition?
Game id 7204088083, @PrettyBubbles level number not visible coz a event hide my level number
Hi @spoekie - I too had a hard time getting all those 2 stars but was finally able to do it. However that contest was for BW3S and this is for BW2S, so I donโt think to can mix and match your screenshots.
Batch 2 - 10 lvls