1100’s are ridiculously hard. Have to use lots of boosters and pay to play to get passed them. King making them that way to bring in revenue and we all know this, which is Ethically wrong. we expect these levels to be hard but not impossible unless you use boosters or pay to continue. More challenges need to be put out to…
Hey chicken slayer. My iPad and iPhone do the same. Different on both for challenges. I had my quests disappear before, but they came back after I spoke to Mia. About a week ago this was. Now they have gone again. I know about the achievements, but at the moment it is hard for me to get them as I am in level 1161 and these…
Chicken Slayer. Yeah I know all that. I’m the same as you. Boosters stop me from doing it. I now have no quests on my left hand side menu. The ones where you get dust for hitting so many bubbles etc. This has happened to me before. So many issues/glitches in this game lately.
Mine is doing the same. Claimed on a different device. But the scores were at different levels so looked like 2 different tricksies challenge on the 2. Just cant get rid of it on my iPad.
Well obviously their tech team have no clue. Games do get glitches in from time to time, but they always get fixed. Never have I seen anything like this before in all the years I’ve been playing king games. They need to sack their tech team and get ones that actually know what they are doing.
Haha Elsa, I know. But I am not going to moan anymore, because I’m not bothering to play until it’s fixed. But how will we know when it’s fixed? I’m sure at some point we will converse again because king will mess up something else no doubt. Hopefully not in the near future because I fear my nerves won’t take it lol.
They may be frustrated too. But should take it off. I think we all know by now not to play it. They should take it off completely and maybe put an old challenge on for now, just to keep loyal players interested while waiting for new levels. Just a thought.
So why put it back on again? 3 times this challenge has been on now and still no fix. This has been going on for weeks now You say be patient. I was patient the last 2 times. Now it’s just ridiculous. Take the dam thing off if they haven’t the mind tech to fix it