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christinewupp Level 5


  • Hello @simsam and welcome to the community! Level 6902 is one of those levels with yellow candies in which you need to follow the correct sequence to save the dragons. Please check this video to see the correct sequence. On levels like this one it is best to not play any starting boosters. The yellow and purple candies are…
  • deleted as answered elsewhere
  • @candytown22 After all these kind players offering to be your friend, why have you decided to leave the community? What have we done wrong? Have we not been welcoming? I am not sure what is going on here, but I think you were right that there is something strange about these requests @Kerrie . Danielle has already turned…
  • deleted as question answered elsewhere
  • This is not true. I can NOT buy anything in the shop with gold bars. This is what I see when I go to the shop: I can NOT buy anything from my inventory with gold bars either. No inventory: The result: I cannot buy anything with my 4374 gold bars. Why exactly are King stopping us from spending our gold on buying boosters?…
  • Hello @Jake93 I am having exactly the same issue and I did bring this to the attention of the community manager. Apparently we are part of a test group but why they would think that to stop players buying boosters or spending their gold is a good idea, heaven knows. Check out this thread on the same issue: Please can…
  • Have you got a screenshot of your leaderboard in final knockout round 3/3 please? It would help to verify that you are telling the truth and that King have cheated you out of a place in the finals.
  • If you uninstall the app you will lose all your boosters so I would advise against this.
  • To ban someone you have to catch them. It's an arms race out there and like any arms race it's not that easy for the "good guys" to win.
  • I send a link via my phone and via my iPad, I don't have a computer. I can't open other player's links, but sending them should be easy. Go into your game and into "friends". Then click on "add more friends" at the bottom, and then "invite friends" at the top. This should create a link, which you can save anywhere and then…
  • Thank you for your screenshot! So this error message really does come up in the fish and jelly version of this level @PummyRaj, which is level 8024 (not 802 as stated in the header). @QueenB this needs to be looked into as there have been several complaints of this happening on this level and there are enough fishes on the…
  • God is not for sale. You can't sell Candy Crush gold either, it's not got any value in the Real World. It's fake.
  • Hello @AmyW39 and welcome to the community. As you can see from the video Kiara posted for you you can only pass this when the game gives you a lucky board that will create cascade to finish the level for you. There is not much strategy you can use, just wait for a lucky board and watch out for any opportunity to create…
  • I have been waiting for about two weeks for a response other than automated ones with my query, but can't really be bothered to chase it up any more now. I'm not sure anyone still works at Player Support and if they do they are maybe all still dealing with All Stars queries. The system used to work for me the way you…
  • But that's why King only let us have 20 lives per day: They want you to continue spending a a fortune, @katherynn33 !
  • Hello and welcome to the community @fancygranny . If anything in this game upsets you please just delete the app and find a different game as Candy Crush is probably not for you. Don't spend any money on this game if you don't enjoy it!
  • It's doing weird things again this morning: Gladys is usually going by some other name in my list as well as cookiemae of course being cookiemae rather than Jack. And the bottom three players have lost their name and been replaced by some King code. Strange….I never seem to get the duck though….
  • Hi @Colleen12 I am so sorry about your weather over there. This is my garden this morning:; Just to make you jealous…. Have a lovely day baking!
  • I will post a previous question from another thread in this one, to stay on topic: The two instead of one colour bomb I get on my starting board when I have timed colour bombs activated, are those a glitch or is this one of King's tests? @QueenB can you shed some light on this? I only get one colour bomb when I choose the…
  • Another point has come to mind @QueenB : We are supposed to be able to play this game offline and if we can't access our inventory to buy enough boosters to last us long enough, such as when I go on a train journey without internet connection, then how can I stock up with enough boosters to play offline? This is to…

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?