Boosters are powerful items that help you blast your way through those bubbles and progress through the game! You can win them, or purchase them whenever you want.

Rainbow Rush
Shoot a Rainbow Rush at any colored bubble on the screen, and all the bubbles of that color will be removed from the screen!

Shooting Star
This Booster will remove any bubble or group of bubbles you fire it at, so if you're missing the color in your wand needed to wipe out a bunch of bubbles - this will be your savior.

Magic Beam
This powerful Booster will clear a wide tunnel through any bubbles. Point it carefully in the direction you want to clear and all bubbles in its path will be destroyed.

Sparkling Blast
Point this Booster at a bubble and it will clear a circle of bubbles around it.

Stereo Bolt
This Booster will remove the bubble you point it at, a horizontal line of 5 bubbles, and 2 on either side.