KING's generosity knows no bounds this week. Good 45 levels and I collected 12000 Blue candies from you know where, and received 3 x LH's 3 x FS's 3 x S&WC 3 x CB's It's either Kiss & Make up or the Calm before the Storm. Collect enough Boosters for what lies ahead.
Definitely a major improvement on last week. A few tricky ones, but generally good. Did not need UFO's at all. Quite a few enjoyable levels. @Boybinary did not even use his timed boosters. Hopefully he can freeze it till next week. KING, how about a FREEZE button Now what do I do for the rest of the week. Any suggestions.…
My fellow CCS players, if you are bored out of your skulls waiting for the next 45 levels, I have just the place for you to go to. No, not the one @Spieler_8675309 is alluding to. You're too much of a nice bunch. Maybe you can don the beach attire he is talking about. Just joking. Take the scenic route and meander down to…
I am establishing a veggie garden, please send your comments of the pile of horse manure my way. Hopefully it will do some good. You will be rewarded with organically grown veggies. @Boybinary, @Michael-6, yours are already on the pile. @Peter_Tornaros, it might be a bit difficult for you getting stuff out from Downunder,…
Completed the release yesterday and thought I'd do my comments today, but decided to rather The less said about that dreaded level, the better. At least I can collect some Green Candies after a long absence
@Scooterpie, @Peter_Tornaros, when starting level 11457, a message popped up. "Even Dexter and his friends have to take a break". When the message popped up, it shut my game, just after I made my first move. When I restarted, my Win Streak was gone and I had to complete the episode without it. I did not have Dexter, it's…