Completed the last episode. All in all, very uninspiring for me, especially the new blocker. To top it all, Dexter decides to take a break with my first move in level 11457. He takes a break whilst I am playing and the game closes. From my favorite whale to my least favorite mammal, purely because he causes my game to…
Completed second episode and still not a fan of the new blocker. Doubt if it will grow on me. At times it just becomes a lottery. In two levels I had no control over it, when candies just started to cascade..
@Boybinary, I am with you on this one. As @Peter_Tornaros would say of Rainbow Rapids, I found this very boring. Could not wait to complete the episode. It actually tired me out. Leaving the next two episodes for tomorrow.
Boredom. From time to time I go back to the milestone levels and play from the top down, if there are no worthy competitions. For competitions, I usually play 3309, but it only gives CB'S, Green and Blue candies. Level 1000 gives you 400 minimum of a wider variety
KING has done it again. Raising the bar for those starting out. Level 1000 has been redesigned, making it impossible to complete within the 37 moves. Those starting out looks forward to achieving milestones, and the first one is Level 1000. The design is such that it will require you to buy boosters to complete. It will…
I must admit that I did not know about level 8328. I replayed it for the first time today and was pleasantly surprised. I needed to collect 4500 Orange candies and was really not in the mood to play lots of level for the 9 boosters. To my surprise I collected it all playing level 8328. Thanks for alerting me to that level.…
Glad to be able to post again, it has been a while. played a marathon to make up for lost time. @Peter_Tornaros, sorry to hear about your loss. Glad you are safe. Got rewarded with this week's episodes X 3