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Level 1


  • Hello LicieOIC, and thanks Chicken Slayer for passing this on. @Licie, could you please tell me what Chest number you're trying to open? Thanks! Mia Still waiting on a fix for this.
  • Hello LicieOIC, and thanks Chicken Slayer for passing this on. @Licie, could you please tell me what Chest number you're trying to open? Thanks! Mia I won the first and second boxes, but they don't pop up when I tap on "Claim," I just see the first two tricksies hopping up and down. When I tap on the screen, it freezes for…
  • I will pass it over to the team :) Thank you, hope we can get this fixed. ^_^
  • Hi LicieOIC are you playing the game on more than one device? I had the same thing happen but I was on ios and because I had claimed it on my ipad it wouldn't let me claim it on my iphone and then it wouldn't go away. No, I am only playing the game on my Android cell phone.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?