this is getting ridiculous - I log on this morning and all the lives I had saved up were gone - whats up with that?? I'm really tired of my boosters and lives/beans disappearing
I just wish having to reinstall didn't mean losing everything - there has to be a way to prevent that. I was out of town last weekend and so played on a different computer - thats the only reason I can think of that would have made it not connect when I got back home. I was playing on browsers on that computer - not the…
i did actually ck first but there wasn't anything that said there were connection problems - I connected right away when I reinstalled. =- before I uninstalled I had a message that said the tournament was on break and would be back and there was a countdown but after install that is gone
my computer updated and I restarted and even though it appears I am connecting when I open I am not - hope it gets fixed soon windows 10 desktop playing on app store
@encantes I did pass it - but any matches made for companion use were by luck of how the board fell and not by any skill on my part LOL. and I'm running into lots of levels with eggs and not only doesn't matching eggs move sheep - they don't count for filling up the companions if you match 4 or more - so they really need…