I took the survey but it didn't ask why it was least favorite - so if you have a way to pass along that they slow the game way down. it happens after they jump and then the next move or a cascade also matches next to them - its like they think and it just basically stops they game.
I'm having the same issue on FB too - I sent lives to everyone and they are all still there - have been for a couple of days has looked like this for last few days notice the request button is grey - nothing happens when you click on it and usually when the others are full they go away
the developers need to play the levels - especially when they mess with moves - it takes all the fun away and makes me quit playing for awhile - i'm not going to waste anymore beans or lives or boosters on a stupid level thats next to impossible to get.
Its maybe just me because I like to play fast but the time it takes the crops to turn grumpy or not grumpy and then sometimes back again because of cascades just really annoys me. I guess the sound itself wouldn't be quite so annoying if it didn't take so long for it all to happen. (I hope that makes sense)
example - level 2304. I have matched 4 color bombs with bombs of varying colors and have a grand total of 40,000 points. before that would have been enough to win the game. PLEASE FIX
bombs are still not counting like they should - and matching a color bomb with bombs doesn't do much either - unless that is part of the scoring change - which would be kind of sad
still not fixed on 2292 or on 2053. and there is no updating the app on computer. I kind of get tired of hearing that as a fix for everything. not everyone plays on a mobile device.