I have been playing for at least 3 years but I just found this a month ago. I am stuck w/out lives on 2047!! Any advise besides getting the perfect Camus and boosters
My choice is FEARLESS EYE!! I chose this because my green eyes 👀 are my key 🔑 into my true heart and soul. People often complement me on my eyes and tell me they show a true, timeless, old loyal soul. I’m a true woman who never gives up no matter how many times my trusting nature gets me pushed back a step! The true…
After some DEEP thinking/:🤔🤭🤫🥇🏆😬🙈!! Im all for GIRL POWER BUT.... Kimmy has STILL not allowed me to enter her Arcade and Bubblegum Troll Is Loyal AND he gives me ♾❤️,🍭🔨, 🥇🏆🏅bars, a good feeling of confidence to be armed, with his boosters and gold bar’s, to reface the level or legal s I have been stuck on!!! GO KING TROLL
https://us.v-cdn.net/6030983/uploads/0HYQJG4ARKLX/screenshot-2020-07-03-at-15-23-16.png Basket=10(5+5)+15+5=40 bird=15 flower=20 acorn=5 I think answer of 10+(5+5) is 20 20+15+5 (🤭🏆🥇⭐️🥳🥁🥁🥁)=40!!!
@ any game experts or admin, I thought BGH worked very well although I did not reach KIng of the hill this weekend:( I was playing all the other new features!! I really do hope some time could be dedicated to BGH during the week.. I can’t play new levels and BGH all at once!! Lol.. I am shocked at the amount of feedback…