Just want to give you and update. Not only am I really far behind, but my daily booster is still blocking me from making 4 or 5! I'm still onlevel 8641 because it keeps blocking. When I use my boosters, they still go in opposite directions so they are useless
@Princess_Jessica thanks for your help. I moved 2 levels today and now stuck .on Level 8621. Used everything. No avail. I'm so far behind, I started not playing the game a few days ago I 'm so frustrated.😡
Thank you @johamilton I'm behind again. Spending dayssss on levels like this one I keep not winning by one move no matter what I do. Level 8592 @Princess_Jessica
Dealing with snow here too @Princess_Jessica It's going down to 19 degrees tomorrow. So much for the spoiled past warm winters🙄. I was at 8524. I'm finally starting to catch up with the rest of the group. I was so far behind again…😫 But my game is freezing, start stop action and jerky movement all this morning. It's very…
Thanks so much @Princess_Jessica It's starting again. I'm stuck on Level 8490, Every time I think I'm going to pass this level, the fish go in opposite direction. How are you and The Fluff doing? @FluffyDinosaur