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Jannyn84 Newbie


  • In less then ten minutes 46,080 is the what this person got how is it possible
  • Ihave been leaving comments because this is important by the time I passed one level in less then five minutes they get at least 8000 points and now in less then five minutes 16,560. I'm taking screen shots of the time and numbers. If anyone knows how to look into this I have proof.
  • I started writing down the numbers in the a few minutes for me to beat one board I get about 3000 to five thousand and they are getting over 8000 points. They have played non stop the points just keep growing. This is a scam!
  • I have been in the number one position myself, I have passed more levels and there are two people I couldn't even catch by the time I finished one level their numbers tripled. It's impossible for those types of numbers. Either someone is cheating or this is rigged. I'm glad I'm not the only one seeing this.

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