I agree with you I also spend money on this game which I dont mind doing and have just spent money on boosters I had 10 big lollipops they have disappeared I have spent money on the latest quest the one that runs for 27 days that has gone so I really hope we get some reimbursement and free boosters and that it is fixed soon
just played a game just now and went to buy my gold bars I already have it says store unavailable try again but if I do keep trying I just keep getting the same message!
Yes I did :) so anything that involves buying gold bars redeeming gold bars being in the race batula my kimmys gone fishing contest which I imagine now I've lost even though I was leading before this happened :(
Used to be 100 gold bars now they have gone down to 80 gold bars the same price still to purchase them Just wondering has anyone else noticed this and the reason if anybody knows why the amount has gone down?? Ange
@Pitty_Kitty I don't like their changes!!!!! @EddoBerc I'm with you I'm not buying either and I did spend around $20 on a month of the game!! is there any way we can voice our disapproval at these silly pointless changes??!! and @MollyS thanks for the tip to tag members that you want to reply too :)