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itsmeLaLaV Newbie


  • 113 - now ... But isn't it obvious that there no way to pass the hard levels unless you pay - and once you pay for what is always yours you've earned then your allowed to pass the " HARD " Level?
  • Good Morning 🌞 QueenMia It's me LauraV 🌱 I am stuck @ 109 and need more GOLD so 👁️ can get a💥💨💃 mov'on Sistá👩‍❤️‍👩maybe some sweet l🍥be in my direction from You and the Gang- I. A huge fan of TIFFI her energy makes me happy 🥰so how about You Dear Q.M....any suggestions? I'm open always 🙏🏽✌🏽❣️💟ciao LauraV 💖

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