Are you going to charge us if we don't exercise? Or limit the number of lives we get per day if we don't buy steps or jumping jacks? You are going to lose many players, including me, by limiting us to 20 lives. It also sucks that every few levels are so difficult that we can't win them unless we buy more moves and/or…
Thank you so much for the pep talk. Level 4182 is just an example of a bigger issue. This happens every few boards. They aren't just hard. It's almost laughable how nothing good falls into place, fish and UFOs don't hit like they used to and the feeling of being forced to buy extra moves. I don't believe it's because I'm…
It's ridiculous. This game isn't just skill, it's also luck. The luck is gone unless you buy something. It makes me really sad. I've played for years and now it's just annoying. The 20 life thing is gona end up costing them money. I'm will not buy more lives. King has officially because a company that only cares about…
I don't understand the reason for this. Some recent levels took me over 35 times to win. So at 20 I'm done for the day when though I have 150 lives built up? What??????
I'm only on level 4182 and have experienced similar things many times in the last few months. The level I'm on now is impossible without making special candles and I am not able to make them in so few turns. Another example across many levels is using fish. Previously they would do something helpful, now you get nothing.…
I understand your answer and thank you for getting back to me so fast. If I am currently at the free level 8 and then purchase, will I receive the first 8 paid ones too?
I have a question about the Royal Path. What do you get when the prize is a treasure chest with for example x10 on it? Is it 10 times the amount of gold you have?? Thanks so much!