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mzbolin Newbie


  • I don't have the event!! Why?? This is the 3rd character everyone else had the option to win that I NEVER had the event on!! Why don't I get the option???
  • This is the 3rd character I NEVER got the option to win... everyone else did! I don't understand why I didn't get this event! It's not right at all!! I'm further in the game than my sisters and they got it... the Santa yeti and the angel bubble gum guy.. this being the 3rd.. upsets me greatly!!
  • I rebooted my phone, updated the game, then rebooted my phone again, all last night, while chatting with my sister who was doing the exact same. we were sending each other life request for a few hours and nothing was coming through on our game.. still can't see the request!! What's going on?? If the game makes us wait on…

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