
Level 2
This game really brings out the pettiness in adults!!!! It’s a game people! Y’all act like you’re winning real money 😂 hilarious when you have zero moves and it’s not by choice but your opponent feels the need to make themselves feel like they won the lotto and repeatedly make that little creature laugh! Best one is when you have no moves left but they feel the need to block you!
I just tired of the fixed games, even though they powers that be say they aren’t. I can’t even get 3 wins in a row for the past 2 days to move up to the blue badge. YET, on the HUBBY’S iPad, I’m up 4 levels. Ya, there’s nothing going on here....such obvious monkey business.
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@GotaDunQH, it is very difficult to have more than 2-3 wins in a row. Thats why the game give to some players a kind of Jack-Pot" to have continous wins and go to upper levels.
The players are randomly selected.
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Totally agree. I have actually stopped playing the RC for that reason. The other players I have encountered recently are nothing short of vile, makes me wonder what they are like in real life! The game is totally rigged to the point that I could (when I played) predict with almost 99.9% accuracy who would win. My daughter was playing at the weekend and I did have a quick go of her game, win or lose it made no difference to me I was just playing for fun. The blocking and laughing started with almost the first move. On the last turn I was 15 points up but they still decided to block and laugh even though no hope of winning. It confirmed my decision was right to stop playing its not a healthy game and when its down the panic in people is ridiculous. Its becoming an addiction to many not healthy and certainly not normal. The Mods love to spout the "Be kind" motto I feel they should change that to "play fair". To say I don't miss playing would be a white lie but I don't miss the vile opponents this game breeds. Getting out in the fresh air, taking some exercise is suiting me far better than hauled up on the sofa with a load of petty addicts!
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I do not like the blocking too! Some opponents block without a reason.
I have not problem with laughing emoji, if someone does not like it, can turn emojis off.
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I understand how you feel! Especially with your opponent laughing at you. You can turn those emoji's off. On your board click on the three dots and click on the far left icon and it will mute all of that for you. Therfore even if they do try to laugh, you won't see it.
I know it's hard sometimes to keep a streak, I've had it happen to me and still having it done recently, but I don't think anyone is cheating. It seems like you can never get a break. I am a player that will spend 49 gold bars to play 24 hours, and yes I know that even if I am in first place I will only win 15 gold bars and that's if I am in first place. This is a game I love to play so it's worth it to me. There's a post/discussion about How hard is it to keep a streak. You should check it out and see it's not just you, it happens to all of us on any given day. I know there was a couple of times when I didn't think I'd get to the blue ( second level) of play. I would win two, lose the next play, win one, lose two or three and it can be a vicious cycle. So don't think it's just you, we all experience it in some way.