🥇First positions in the Royal Championship? Share your screenshot and collect your badge!

Royal Championship - What do you think?



  • Good morning Comunity!!

    (it is morning in my timezone! 😁)

    @Lola_Pop first of all I have to say that I am very glad for the conversation we have all of us here!

    About that Jonah, there is a detail that indicates he uses pc: he has a mouse pointer, but also the hand is disappeared for him, while for his opponent exists! The hand is replaced by the mouse pointer!

    This is the last I want to tell about this, I don't think that is creative to discuss further, 'cause it seems that he left RC a long time ago!

    I want to mention the most important problem we all have and this is not the technical issue "no internet connection", not at all!

    Our most important problem is "streak"!

    I understand that "streak" is a core feature of RC, but as everything changes, the same happened to RC, the players and their abilities!

    Now there are much more experienced players and less newbies! Players know exactly every strategy, trick etc to try win a match!

    The facts which determine the winner is less abilities and more:

    • Lucky candy dropping
    • Boosters selected
    • Who is starting first

    All of these indicate that we come more close to the 50/50 point, where the possibilities for winning are equal for both players.

    This means that a possibility for a 3 win streak is 1/8, for a 5 win streak is 1/32 and for a 7 win streak 1/128.

    Of course we have not reached this limit, but we tend to it!

    If this is a studio's decision, for me is o.k., I am going to decide how am I going to play etc. If not, it means that its time for something to change about streak!

    Just for the records, from February 2020 till October 2020 I had at least two 7+ win streaks during each event and getting to 5th level ("starburst" level) was for me a normality. And this is completely against the numbers I mentioned above! Proceeding more to "peacock" level, was a very nice surprise!

    The same is for most players here!

    Now normality is a 1, 2, 3 win streak and 1,2,3 loose streak.

    That is all from me!

    If there is another opinion or answer in mathematical basis or if I made any mistake I am here to listen! 🙂

  • Super quality explanation for now days situation. There was a moment reaching 7 streak task was normal, but for now reaching 5 streak task is not hard, it's kind of impossible for some algorithmic issues. It's like for final goal FIFO accept all 11 player as goal-keeping.

    Now the question is who or what are playing the FIFO role???

  • alsto40
    alsto40 Posts: 455

    I used to get to the 7 streak multiple times each round last year. I’m lucky to get passed the 5 streak anymore.

    Seriously wish they would do something about the timer.... there is no way a player should be able to use boosters 4 times before making their actual moves before the timer even gets to half way. Boosters should be only used 1 each turn so a total of 4.

  • Allouna76
    Allouna76 Posts: 190

    Hello @mdeus

    what I meant to say, if you have another device like second phone, tablet... download the game on the second device log in with your account and check if its working,


    @headoperations @NikolaosProdromidis @channie8 @95chata @alsto40

    please let me know if its possible to transfer gold bars from a player to another

    Im not playing candy crush games or the RC anymore and I have more than 1000 gold bars and Im happy to transfer them, so please shout back

    I wish you all a good luck and Im really happy to have friends in the community like you all

    Stay safe and take care...

  • alsto40
    alsto40 Posts: 455

    I don’t think it’s possible. Sadly, I’m almost to that point of quitting. It’s not fun or exciting anymore. Very predictable. Same boards same everything. Take care & check in every now & then.

  • @alsto40 this you describe about boosters is another very serious problem that increased lately!

    It happenned to me to cage me 3 times at the same set of 2 moves!

    I suggested to set a limit of 1 use for each booster at the same set of 2 moves!

    And yes, opponents have always plenty of time to use boosters multiple times and make moves when timer is over!!

  • Hi again!

    I returned back to say that just now I played my today's first set of 5 tickets!

    Result: 0 wins - 5 losses. 😯

    No bots or cartoonish profiles among my opponents, all normal photos, probably facebook accounts!

    All had the first two badges, brown and blue!

    I did not play bad, but all of them had extremely advantageous candy dropping and colorbombs at critical points of the game. Two of them had striped hammer and won because of this.

    I had colorbomb once, just beside a fish, but far from colored area! So not well usable!

    I had striped + wrapped candy once, but I lost before using it!

    In all 5 matches, it was obvious the advantage they had, it was obvious that the algorithm wanted them to win!

    And yes, they were caging stopless! 😶

    Well, I have a theory on this:

    The "first entrance theory"! 🥸

    I am going to investigate a little today, so I don't give more details at this point!

    I will come back when I have some results! 🤓

  • NamTruong2001
    NamTruong2001 Posts: 4,415

    Only 24 hours left for this last stage.

  • 95chata
    95chata Posts: 833

    Hi @Allouna76

    I wish I could help you on that but since I have never tried before to do it myself, I am not sure if that is possible but maybe the experts can help you figure that out. I would say, keep them with you if you’re not planning on closing the app completely. Who knows if one day things change for good and you can return to play RC again. You know..Miracles can happen” 😇 if you believe in them. 💫

    It’s nice to have you as a friend here in the jelly community, ❤️ 🌻 Take care 🙏🏻

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