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Arenas: tips, hints, ideas, screenshots and more!



  • Arena 3:

    This is the "tricky" arena with the three almost separated areas!

    Moves: 14

    Jelly goal: 47

    Candie colors: 5

    Thete is a "safe zone" for each player, while playing in the middle needs care and hides some "dangers".

    A common mistake is to open some blocked places in the middle and let opponent free the wrapped candy and bring it beside the colorbomb!

    If you make a mistake early in the game, there is time to cover it.

    @NamTruong2001 thanks for the advice for jelly goal, it is better now! 🙂

  • NamTruong2001
    NamTruong2001 Posts: 4,409

    Ok, since @NikolaosProdromidis has uploaded these arena pictures, now I also share my opinions and experiences.

    ARENA 2:

    This arena is half easy and half tough because of its structure. Especially when a player has striped + wrapped candy, it is luck or bad. Free the color bomb may be luck or bad, too.

    You need to spread the jelly at the middle and wrapped candies may help you remove some layers of cupcakes at the bottom. Horizontal striped candy will help you clear swirls. The center of the board gives you at least 15 jelly or 20 jelly for free, but it can be a chance for opponents. Remember to save lollipop at the right time before opponent has a chance to lock you from using special candies.

    ARENA 3:

    Like ARENA 2, the middle column contains a lot of jelly for both players. First, you need to spread your jelly on your side (I see you will get 34 jelly when clearing all blockers). The important part is the middle. And remember to save lollipop when you have a chance. For what? When the opponent clears cupcakes at the middle column, wrapped candy may be a helper for you to remove cupcakes. And use the bomb wisely if there is a jelly on the row.

    However, with 5 colors. We don't know if they are mean or not, because when you do not have any matches in your side, you have to match at the middle board. That's very dangerous.

  • @NamTruong2001 thanks for the in depth analysis!

    Arena 4, it was my nemesis many times, but I extremely like it!

    Moves: 14

    Jelly goal: 45

    Candy colors: 5

  • NamTruong2001
    NamTruong2001 Posts: 4,409
    edited April 2021


    ARENA 4:

    also5 colors, but the hard thing is locked swirls. The cascade process will be reduced if it is not unlocked. This arena has a lot of ways to start:

    * Play under the board. It will help you clear layers of cupcakes, but unlocking jelly will be a bit hard.

    * Play at the middle. You must unlock jelly so that opponent can not lock your wrapped candy. You may get a giant blast or not if cupcake is not cleared.

    Now is colorbomb. You have 2 ways to use it. But, remember to save your lollipop and use it wisely.

    * Make a stried blast so that it will be covered by your jelly.

    * Unlock the swirl under colorbomb at your side (row 5). But in order to to that you must have fullly 2 move to perform. First, make match to clear that swirl you have unlocked at row 5 so that color bomb will slide down, then use it with your jelly.

    The last part is at the middle, on the top of the board. Fish + Vertical Striped may be a helper for this.

    So your side will have fully 35 jelly when clearing all blockers. The strategy is yours.

  • Continue to Arena 5, the last "classic" board in use and one of my favs

    ..... especially if I have a striped hammer!

    Moves: 14

    Jelly goal: 50

    Candy colors: 5

    @ClarenceBeaks has detailed strategy in the old thread about this board, but

    @NamTruong2001 we want also your point of view about it, if you have to add something more! 😉

  • rainbowshadow
    rainbowshadow Posts: 55

    Level 3

    Should I put the hammer in the red or in the blue? Does it matter or what do you guys think? Help!


    My friend,

    @MimisBug, she is so sweet! Send her a message and say hi!

  • NamTruong2001
    NamTruong2001 Posts: 4,409
    edited April 2021

    ARENA 5:

    Look at the only cupcake at the middle. That is the key to free the spaces, then spread your jelly. Horizontal striped, wrapped candy or a giant blast will help you spread more jelly, too.

    About striped candies at the bottom. You can use them to clear cupcakes.

    About color bomb, you have 2 way to use it.

    1. Save your lollipop. You will clear cupcakes covering color bomb by matching or triggerring cascades. When there is jelly next to it, unlock and use.

    2. Save your lollipop and lock. In case the opponent locks you from using color bomb after removing cupcake. So it is your second tip. But remember that you must to have a match under color bomb and covered jelly (and fully 2 moves). For what? First, use lock and put it on the top left/right near the color bomb (row 2) depending your side. Next, use lollipop to unlock color bomb. Then, make a match so that color bomb will slide and you can use it.

    You will have 39 jelly when clearing all blockers and some at the middle. The strategy is yours.

    ⚠️Note: If you use other power-ups, this tip is completely nonsense.

  • NamTruong2001
    NamTruong2001 Posts: 4,409

    You seems to have only unlimited power-ups, so use them because others are unavailable to buy.

  • It doesn't matter, is the same!

    When I play, I prefer to put on red the booster I think as more critical, because the red candies are easier visible on the board!

    But this is the way I think easiest for me, while others may have a different opinion! 😉

  • rainbowshadow
    rainbowshadow Posts: 55

    Level 3

    Do you like when your opponent disconnects? Well, it gives you a win!


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