The Royal Championship

The Royal Championship

πŸ₯‡First positions in the Royal Championship? Share your screenshot and collect your badge!

Royal Championship - What do you think?



  • Posts: 39

    Level 3

    I hope I'm speaking on the same subject. When I try to use the jellicoes it's like someone is holding them.

  • Posts: 6,353
    edited July 2021

    @alex1985 hi and welcome!

    If you speak about Royal Championship you are at the right place!

    A screenshot if available, helps more to discuss about your question! πŸ™‚

  • Posts: 833

    Hahaha, you just made me laugh 😹

    That would be out of the extraordinary if the bots start playing against each other. Not a bad idea, tho!πŸ˜„while we the humans take a rest from RC, hahaha

    I also think that it would be a great idea to take a summer rest 😎 from the whole app! Maybe the Studio and the developers when notice less traffic (players) put more interest in doing some good housekeeping 🧹 in every level of the different games. Getting rid of so many bots πŸ€– and ghosts πŸ‘» that are taking the fun away from us, would be a great idea. πŸ’‘

  • Posts: 6,353
    edited July 2021


    It is a good idea to have a rest on the beach at summer! 😎

    But I do not guarantee that we are not going to meet any bots there! πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜„

  • Posts: 65

    Level 3

    edited July 2021

    Hello All,

    the RC is very weird these weeks, did you notice that almost same names are repeated but different pictures, I hardly reached the peacock level and I found out that its better not to use any boosters (it its not necessary) because it seems that the game is programmed these days to force you loosing if you are using any booster

    when my opponent have boosters even lollipop stripped and hammer, I win

    and if I have boosters I loose, and the most important think that sometimes Im loosing and suddenly my opponent leave the game, or the game freeze totally only the emoji stay working so I wait till the opponent leave and VOILA I win, never I leave before the last move (I won many games in the last move suddenly from no where)


    My aunty Eliana have a very important surgery on Monday and she needs your prayers, please can you give her 2 minutes from your time to wish her the best luck and to get well soon and come back to her home

    THANK you so much 😘

    @NikolaosProdromidis@NamTruong2001 @headoperations@Allouna76 @janeau_owl @tinytara1970@CassD @Elsa @95chata @alsto40@Lola_Pop @Lady_Sarina @Diamond Lim@Nadia1770

  • Posts: 65

    Level 3

    edited July 2021

    Hello @headoperations

    thank you so much but my message disappear suddenly do not know why, any way thank you so much

    the operation is Monday not today, hope she will be fine πŸ˜”

    im trying to to tag her community friends with no luck, every time I mention them the message disappear

  • Posts: 5,618

    Thanks for the tag @headoperations

    All the love in my heart to Miss Smiley Face @Allouna76 always πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ§‘πŸ’•

    Time to replace the flowers tell her and please @Tiatouti give her a hug from me that lasts for more than 15 seconds!!!πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

  • Posts: 833

    Hi @Tiatouti

    Please tell your auntie that she is always in my prayers and more now that she is going to have surgery. I am sending her all my love πŸ’— and best wishes πŸ™πŸ» for a successful surgery.

    This is for her:

    @Allouna76 πŸ’—

  • Posts: 833

    Yes, what you’re saying happens in RC. Unfortunately the game has too many issues that I doubt they will be fixed anytime soon or ever.

    Good point about using your own powerful boosters and losing. Something similar happens to me when I win a powerful booster because a perfect game streak and then I use it in my next match. I guess all we need to do now is to try to play smart by avoiding situations that we already know will not be beneficial to us.

    Good luck next time! πŸ€

  • Posts: 833

    Hahaha, I love that! πŸ˜„

    Yes! I agree with summer rest at the beach πŸ– But only boatsπŸ›₯ instead of bots πŸ€– Lol

    Hope you’re having lots of fun 😎


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