Little but if a rant here
Level 3
So, I had won my 4th win, with one more to go before next level. I win the 4th match, pick my “weapons” for 5th match, then screen goes weird and freezes. When it wakes up, it says I lost the match, (being the 4th match) and it sets me back to no wins on that level. What the eff???!!! I’m so annoyed with stuff like this and being robbed and cheated by the powers that be, rant over.
I have about 8 minutes or so before I get another ticket. It's getting close to the event to end so I thought about just filling my tickets, full or (5), so when I open this up I usually just tap refill for 15 gold bars. Just so happen I looked (paid closer attention) and saw this!!!!! "What the H€ck!!!! What the H€!! !!! Did anyone else get this ridiculous message to refill your 5 tickets? Have the "studio " lost their minds? I won't use my gold bars to keep a streak, would you think I would pay 100 gold bars for five tickets? SMH!!!!
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I am going to check this on next event!
It looks strange to me! 🤔
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This happened to me once where it was going to charge me 100 gold bars fir 24 hours, but when I closed down the app and reopened it, it came up with 49 gold bars for the 24hour tickets.
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Thanks for an answer to a major mistake if I had blindly pushed that refill tickets. If I had done that, I would be mad at myself first, then even madder at the "studio " for putting that up there. I wonder did someone do that without l"ooking" to see what was going on.I know they would be mad.
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Hmmm, now if it had been an option to buy boosters and blockers, I'm down 100%. I loved when the had that option and had spent plenty of gold bars for that! I was and I am so sad that they haven't brought that back. I have 11 fishnet and 10 cupcakes that I am holding on to because you can't get those in the game anymore. If they bring back that option to buy boosters and blockers they would get plenty of my 💰. I spent a lot of 💰 buying boosters and blockers that's why I have fishnet and cupcake.
I just tried three times to reply to @Nikolaos_Prodromidis and each time it goes to my draft folder. When I pull it up and hit reply, it goes back to my draft folder. What the heck is going on?
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This is beyond strange. And right now something is going strange with my post to you. Somehow it is in my drafts folder and every time I try to reply what I said, it still won't go through. Another strange thing that's happening is that the draft folder is empty. So I tried copying it and pasting to another and it's not letting me do that either. I am going to try shutting my phone off to see if that corrects it. A lot of strange things are happening now.
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@NatalieG you tagged me but I did not get any notifications for this! I suppose it is a bug!
About draft folder, what is exactly its use? I ask 'cause I never use it! 😄😄😄😁😁😁
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@Lady_Sarina I did not get some notifications by you as well! I investigated a little and I found out that I am in your tagging list by my old username: @nikolaosprodromidis.
I suppose that @NatalieG cannot send me notifications for the same reason?
Can you change my usename in your tagging list to the new @Nikolaos_Prodromidis please?
I suppose I have to send a message to Diamond Lim as well, for the same reason! 😉
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Hi @NatalieG
Would you please let me know which IOS or android version you are using, the browser and version you are using and how you entered the community when trying to post (like: bookmark (name of thread), then discussion etc)
All changed now @Nikolaos_Prodromidis thanks for the heads up :0)
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I am using Android 11, Samsung Internet version To enter the community I usually go to my email when I get notifications to tags I am in read that, look at posts and topics.