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Something exciting is coming



  • Cat-13
    Cat-13 Posts: 716

    Don't tell us something is coming exciting when we are still playing levels you don't wish to fix😡

  • 95chata
    95chata Posts: 833

    Huh? What happened to my post to @Cat-13? I came to do some editing then it asked me to save the post? I was trying to post it back but my post disappeared.
    Instead I got this notification: Do we still have limitations or there is extremely controlling of what we post? I thought we had freedom of speech in the Community…

  • Cat-13
    Cat-13 Posts: 716

    I never saw your post! Hummmm Interesting..😏 I haven't seen anything exciting coming yet.🙄

  • Nikolaos_Prodromidis
    Nikolaos_Prodromidis Posts: 6,353
    edited May 2024

    I did not get any information! I actually did not get any notification in here about this! So I am waiting with you to see whats going on! In the meanwhile I do not play any game at all since several months…

    I am going to start again if this what are we waiting is going to be really exciting!

    Let me tell you that I started playing Jelly when it first released but then I stopped playing for almost 4 years, until the RC appearance!!

  • 95chata
    95chata Posts: 833

    Hello dear Jelly friend!
    Good to see you around!
    I can understand your disappointment. I know you really loved RC and you also made a huge contribution for the understanding and enjoyment of the game.
    Sadly those days are over. 🙎🏻‍♀️

    Nothing is the same anymore. 🤷🏻‍♀️
    I also stopped playing CCJS and I am not planing to return unless the Studio fixes all the madness they have created in every single Level now.

    Good luck to you my friend. Hopefully one day the Studio would reconsider the idea of bringing RC side event back for you and others that used to loved the game. 🍀☘️

    Kind rewards,


  • Hi @95chata!!

    Nice to have discussions again! I know that levels on the main board tend to be very hard lately! I do not play as I said, but mh wife plays daily and she tells me!

    She is also disappointed and do not visit the Community at all!

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    That's how it will be for many people. Many will have already uninstalled their game.
    All you have to do is read the reviews. Understandable for me.
    Have a nice weekend🌷

  • 95chata
    95chata Posts: 833

    Hi! @Nikolaos_Prodromidis!
    You’re right about that. It’s a big disappointment for many.
    Very hard Levels and almost impossible to pass unless we use extra lives and boosters. It’s not about using good strategies anymore.
    Maybe ok for players that use real money to buy their product but not good for me.
    I doubt it that King cares about us.
    Proof is that they don’t change anything no matter how many times we ask for something to get fixed.
    Too bad…because it used to be one of my favorites games to play.
    Like you, I hardly visit the Community. Only when I get tagged in something…

    Say Hi to your wife please! Happy to hear from both of you, ❤️

    Kind rewards,


    *I love your signature! “Royal Championship Expert” 👏🏻👏🏻

  • Cat-13
    Cat-13 Posts: 716

    I heard nothing also. I'm stick at this Level 7723. AND ITS A TWO BOOSTER DAY!!!!!!!!! NO HELP FROM YOUR TEAM AS USUAL. your team should come in when you can't get pass and need only a few more moves. It must be nice for the money people or the people who get free gold bars breeze through while the rest of us get NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Hi @Cat-13

    I want also to say that sometimes the team's help is useless because they give you a booster that you already have selected, e.g.: fish! I think that this feature has to be changed in a way that would make it more useful!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?