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Level 7784



  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Hello Cat

    I understand you well. But none of us made you a scapegoat. On the contrary, we all tried to help you.

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Hello dear Jelly players

    I talked to Cat a lot and she is very devastated.
    We all really helped her, but unfortunately it's not enough.

    Do you have any kind words of encouragement for your cat?

    Your self-confidence is down. I would like her to feel comfortable and valued by us.

    Please help me to see her in a good mood again and bring her upstairs!!!

    Thank you💕

    @Nikolaos_Prodromidis @95chata @rebelchild @200mimis @Racoon7 @NamTruong2001 @Kerrie @johamilton @Princess_Jessica

  • Kerrie
    Kerrie Posts: 3,279

    Hi @Cat-13 I'm Kerrie😊

    All the King games can be so frustrating sometimes.😳🤯😡

    In Jelly I haven't reached your advanced level yet, I'm on 5266 right now. This could just be my imagination but it seems to me that some weeks the levels seem harder than other weeks. I think Peggy (aka @Spinnifix ) gave some good advice and I agree with her. Take a couple days off from playing or at least a day. Sometimes when you start playing again your boards seem easier. It could be you aren't frustrated when you start to play again. Sometimes I'm ready to destroy my device, I'm so frustrated. When I play again I see things a little different and/or the algorithms changed. I don't understand all the technical stuff but it seems like something usually changes.

    You're obviously a good player to be that far along in the game. I don't think anyone is out to get you or use you as a scapegoat from reading the previous posts. I think it's the frustration with the game making it seem that way to you. That's just my opinion. It seems like players are trying to help you get passed that level. Take the advice they're giving, try what Peggy suggested and take a day or two off.

    Don't let King get the best of you and DON'T GIVE UP! You can and will get passed this Cat! 🥰

  • rebelchild
    rebelchild Posts: 17,781

    Hello @Cat-13 I hope you really don't feel you've been made a scape goat. I don't see it that way. You are an incredible player. All of you guys are so so very much ahead of me. I hope the levels become more beatable for you. I completely understand the frustration of being stuck on levels in games for days and weeks and months. Hang in there!

  • johamilton
    johamilton Posts: 27,573
    edited June 2024

    Hi sweetie, there is no scape goat. Please Please do not think we would ever do something like that to you or any other member of our community. This is so sad and I want to give you a hug. 🤗

    Some of these levels are brutal, I get that (not that I am that high ~ not even close). Please step away and don't play it for awhile. It is just a level and we hate to see you hurting so much.

    This is just a game, step away and maybe join in on some fun with some contests. Forget this level for awhile, find some fun. I have always been told by my husband (his name is Joe, yes it is me without an E 🤣🤣~ we are Joe and Jo) "If there is nothing that you cannot not change, then don't worry about" It" . Well for me that is very hard because I am a scorpio 😂🤷‍♀️ But, after mega years, I finally have learned (Kinda) to step away. Still Jess tells me to take time! 🤗 I know there is so much negatitive in what is not working right now and what you want to see happen in the game, but again, it is just a game. Things will change when it changes.🤩 It is not just Jelly, it is other commnities. We are all the same. Yes some have something we don't, but yet we have something they don't. Again it is just a game. Don' get swirled in all the negativitive, let it go. We love ya and don't want to see you like this.

    Come on sweetie. let it go for a bit, it is just a game. @Princess_Jessica , I and all of us are here for you.

    @Princess_Jessica and I always have to remind each other that this is just a game. Sometimes when we see members so sad or unhappy, it becomes so real for us. Enjoy the wonderful, fun and loving members that are here for youl

    Hugs to you from Jess and I and let us forget all the negativity for a big and see if we can enjoy some freedom and enjoy the game itself. Maybe start entering some contest and having some fun. Forget that dang level. Trust me, it will be there whenever. Hugs to you from Jess and Jo 🤗💕

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    😘 Good morning to all 😘

    I got this this morning and would like to share it with you. I especially thought of the lovely cat as a little encouragement.

    Hope it helps!!! 🙌

    I will translate it for you:

    Good morning💓💗

    My first good deed for today:

    A little smile for you so that you can achieve everything you set out to do today!

  • Hello @Cat-13 hugs to you sweetie 👩‍❤️‍👩

    I hope you read everything my sweet friend Jo said. It is exactly the way we feel. When players hurt we hurt. This isn't just fun and games for us it's life. Like Peggy said please come join in our contest win gold bars and badges along the way. It's a great way to earn gold bars for your game for tough levels. That's the only way I can get through these levels. If you notice you will see me in all communities in contest because I need to win booster's and gold for those games. Come join us in our upcoming contest 🤗

    Sorry I'm at work so I gotta make it short. But please step away then when you come back your refreshed.

    I hope you have the most amazing day ever 💕

  • 95chata
    95chata Posts: 833

    Hello Dear Cat,

    Please don’t think that we are in a better situation than you with this game.
    We totally understand how you feel because we have gone through the same so many times already. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
    There are probably several reasons why you can’t advance but I can only give you an opinion if you let us know with details the strategies that you use when you play a Level. Also, the type of device you use and how its connection and data works for you. I always feel that playing on a computer or laptop is very slow. Besides, you don’t get many events that give you extra boosters or gold bars in game play like you do when playing on your phone even though is just a little…

    I used to have a fair collection of boosters and gold bars that I won many years ago in different competitions that I did participate. I don’t have that anymore. I used them all trying to advance through all the hard Levels we get now. Trust me, you’re not alone on this.

    @Spinnifix Is there any link in the Community that talk about advantages and disadvantages when playing games through different devices? Maybe Cat can find helpful information there?

    Again, we are also in the same journey like you, trying to advance through all these Levels. Unfortunately not everybody has the same luck on this. Some are more fortunate than others and we can’t do anything about it. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    Also King Studio or the Developers have being acting greedy toward players by not granting us with good events in game play were we can have the opportunity to collect free gold bars and boosters. They want us to buy their products instead.

    My best advice to you is to take a long break from this game. (I did it myself and I got better results)

    Stop playing for one month at least. During that time, don’t open the app for any reason, please! If you do, the game will track you down as an active player and it won’t change. That is the idea that all your activity will be erased and your game will get refreshed.

    Believe me, being away will also relieve your stress and frustration that this game is causing you! 🙋🏻‍♀️

    Please, keep us posted of any changes on your side.

    Love you! 💗

    95chata 🌼

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429


    Good morning dear Chata🌞

    I thank you. I had already shared everything in various posts with
    cats. The differences between mobile devices and PCs. She knows
    everything. We've been talking about this for a very long time.
    Cat causes unnecessary stress to itself. It's just a game.
    The best thing to do is go out into nature with friends and have a good
    time with them.

    This is good for the mind and soul.👻💗

  • Cat-13
    Cat-13 Posts: 712

    I don't have time for competitions. I don't spend all my time online.

    . If I play all these games I would mess up my eyes and never get life done. (I'm handicapped) Sorry. 😗 I wish you well.😍

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?