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Anthony_Noronha Level 2


  • Hello Anna, Thank you for posting. I haven't seen any other contacts about this level on the site. If you know that other players are struggling with the level then ask them to post here and then I will provide feedback to the studio. Kind regards, Johnny I have this question too. The Level is impossible to win. Sorry…
  • Realmente estão todos os niveis muito difíceis , se o rei não tomar uma providência irá perder muitos jogadores .Para passar temos que usar boosters e mesmo assim é muito difícil ,concordo com Anthony,também paaso semanas no mesmo nível espero que o rei nos escute. No it doesn't Lucia is just agreeing with me also ?
  • Anthony, I found jelly so hard, some of the levels have blockers that are so thick. along with just not enough moves to complete some levels. NO it didnt answer my question, Anna was just agreeing with me that the level is unattainable !
  • Anthony, I agree, I gave up as the blockers were so thick, it's a good game, but just need extra moves on most of the levels to clear them. Sorry the question was not solved. I was just agreeing with the comment.

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