Companions assist you in level play in Farm Heroes Saga. With the latest update on certain levels the game would repeatedly freeze when you triggered the companions assist. Support did nothing but send emails stating the game needed to be updated, and that memory space/wifi connection of the device being used was…
If you're using a companion on that level shut it off. I noticed the companion I was using got to zero and didn't do nothing and that's when the game would freeze. I shut the companion off and was able to pass the level. Hope this helps.
Yup. Something is wrong with the last update. Level 2034 keeps freezing and I've lost all my booster trail horses cause you have to close and re-open the game every time it freezes. The "event" area of the game still works so it's not the entire program. I contacted support 3 times and they kept sending the exact same…
I have the same issue and it's doing it after the update this morning. Support says the issue is on my end but it's not. It's the game that's the issue.