Seems daft to remove an integral part of the infrastructure (landscape mode) just so an overlay badge can be added - I ignore them all anyway, I only use the menus, (so most, if not all 'extras' have another way to access them) but landscape vs portrait is a functional issue which has no other viable option for many of us…
Is this feedback even getting back to King? - because it now seems to be just being ignored with no proper response since the first 'get used to it' post by admin. Along the lines ignore it long enough and 'they'll get used to it' and the complainers and the problem will fade away - well I guess it will because we won't be…
Yeah, on the episode race, as soon as one person is over the line, I stop trying - it's not worth it. It was bad enough when they reduced the number of gold bars, then made all the non-first prizes the same, and now reduced to a single colour bomb (which you may be offered the opportunity to upgrade to a gold bar by…
No, still forced into portrait if you can be bothered to load it. It's caused damage to my charging cable, and last weekend the rsi in my wrist (from holding it) was bad enough to hurt even when not playing. I Just play less and less these days.
I used to occasionally play it - when I was in a good place on the board, had some decent boosters ready and the required time, and occasionally even got some gold bars, but not any more, partly because I think 7 games on the trot is less likely than the earlier 5 (smaller pot, but more possible to get), but mainly because…
Today has been awful with the sheer number of times it pops up. Finish level - cc royal popsup Close using back button (android) Another end of level popup - dismiss using the x (standard practise on most screens ,though some are just acknowledgement with OK) CC royal pops up Dismiss by swiping up to get android controls -…
While the back button works in Android to get out of the screen, it has first to be 'woken up' by swiping up (at the bottom a long screen that is tucked tight to the body now we are in the stupid portrait view) and it's frustrating the sheer number of times the popup then shows up between every game - even one time before…
Yeah, it's a pain -I don't always want to play it,it slows the game down (which if on timed bonuses is an issue) plus often,particularly if I'm on a streak ,that next game is the one I fail 🤣. I also noticed its 8 wins in a row now for a share of 500 bars rather than the 7 for a share of 200 that I thought it was. Hope…