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Event rewards for 2nd and 3rd place not worth trying for

7ynd0n5 Posts: 9 Level 2

The current Sam's Streak gives a nice bundle of 8 boosters and 10 minutes unlimited Party Booster to the player finishing number 1.

The second and third place get just a single colour bomb. This is really tight of King. At the very least the 2nd place prize should be better than the 3rd place prize.rather than being the same

The same is true of the Weekly Contest and the Championship Race. 2nd and 3rd prize are the same and just a single measly colour bomb


  • Karenr2
    Karenr2 Posts: 57 Level 2

    Yeah, on the episode race, as soon as one person is over the line, I stop trying - it's not worth it. It was bad enough when they reduced the number of gold bars, then made all the non-first prizes the same, and now reduced to a single colour bomb (which you may be offered the opportunity to upgrade to a gold bar by watching an advert) - its just pointless

  • mimigrace
    mimigrace Posts: 3 Newbie

    I agree. The rewards have been cut back to the point it’s not fun anymore to try to win. More stress than enjoyment! I’ve been trying to pass level 13538 for days and days. I have no boosters or gold bars left and there’s no way to pass this level without them. I refuse to buy any boosters or gold bars. King has made it extremely difficult to win bars and boosters now, taken all the fun out of the game!

  • klg92130
    klg92130 Posts: 16 Level 2

    I agree. Apparently they are too money hungry. Wonder if they realize they are losing more people then they are gaining? It's not fun with no rewards

  • stellamt
    stellamt Posts: 6 Level 2

    I agree, too much effort for very little rewards. I have no gold bars, level 12322 and I know it’s impossible to do without them. No way am I buying them. Guess many people will give up.

  • monalf
    monalf Posts: 1 Newbie

    I totally agree with with you. It seems that if you want something, you need to purchase it, like a business. Nots so much fun any longer..and I’m around 6800.. maybe it’s time to stop.

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