Oh noooooooooooooo! It's BACK! Ugh! My Windows 10 laptop Soda game has started to crash again about every 10min during play! It worked perfectly yesterday for about 2hrs and I thought it was fixed but I spoke too soon. Geez, this is driving me nuts! The animation is now correct and the game loads and plays well but having…
Why does it say this loading problem is SOLVED??? It has NOT!!! It is getting close to midnight and I'm about to lose my Daily Bonus progress (Day 183 is up next!) This is soooooo frustrating! Is anyone minding the issue at King? Help please.
I am going crazy with CC Soda not loading! Can someone tell me if there is a way to fix it at my end? My daily bonus is at Day 180 and I don't want to mess that up. HELP! It started last night.