There is a ton of ads about drunk drivers I think and the people who have been killed. Personally I don't watch them and skip them right away. I get them constantly.
I start a level with 3 to 4 color bombs sometimes. I’ll have a full build a bot with bonuses of extra timed color bombs. I guess I don't understand. Do you know that you can play the lower levels and build the bot now. They fixed the build a bot thing so you can do that now. I hope that helps.
Levels where you need high scores are to teach players to make combos and use them. They can be really hard. Once you figure out that you get lots of points from wrapped candy hit into color bombs. And striped candy hit into color bombs and learn to see possible ways to construct them it will be easier. When its really…
This is an absolutely great idea . When they first came out with those little lines to block movement of candies I just couldn’t figure it out. Because as I tell all the people who can’t see to get a jewelers monacol. The popup is just a great idea. Thanks.
I use a jewlers monical to see them and the numbers also. I completely agree. It’s strange that they can make these absolutely giant banners that cover everything but they can’t make a large enough play button .
When I started this game I used a little money for booster purchase. Then I said no way after that. Just play the games with a c on the button to get more boosters. Watch the commercials, for xtra boosters, candy crush gets money from that. Practice making combos you'll get better at it. Play beginning levels with really…
I totally agree that it is very difficult to see the crystal candy and see through them that’s because I can’t see that well it to begin with .Especially if I’m playing on my phone where everything is really small. I can’t even see the numbers on the level buttons well so I actually have a jewelers monocle that I use when…
I really like this gold bar race. When you release games two levels i get the fun of trying to win. I have always gotten the prizes. You have to check on the notification side of the board and hit claim prize. It does not give them to you if you don't do this. I have gotten the top prize once and that was 5 gold bars…