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adlib Level 2


  • Veery interesting. Just playing levels now - sorta gave up on the friends rostering. Always been a bit of a loner anyway.🤓
    in Hey everyone Comment by adlib March 2021
  • I’m baaaaack. 2 problems - 1st. I have again lost the reporting of the ‘friends’ queue. I have reloaded the game and doing so removed my collective game functions (hammer, etc) but still no friends list. 2ndly. I am on level 622. I’ve unsuccessfully played it numerous times which I really don’t mind all that much. It is…
  • Appreciate the update abe_coffee. Patience it is then. FYI here we do not utilize Facebook but I do realize how pervasive their platform can be. Stay safe.
  • Ladies and gents......... still having my problems here, y’know where my friends roster fails to post. So.... are there other ways to track rankings for the levels in this game?????
  • Update....... problem remains. I am now on level 92 and still playing solo w/o any game ranking rosters. Any new ideas?
  • Problem continues. The games acts like it is trying to fire up and them dumps these functions. Sorta getting used to playing solo. But the program isn’t working as it should.
  • Well I have advanced to the next ‘episode’ and my problem continues. If I go into the life sharing window my friend list is there, pictures and all. I have tried to share a life but that function does not operate either. For the time being I am playing solo.
  • Roger that..... just so ya know I’m using an IPad running safari. The game functions as usual and seems to connect to your servers. Perhaps when I advance into a new level it’ll tweak back in to shape. I appreciate your help/time.
  • Good day CC..... Did as you suggested w/o success. Signed out - deleted app - rebooted computer - reloaded app - signed in - problem still exists. This is stressful..... 😏😁
  • Also........ on the main map page my little ‘turtle’ character is not shown. The character frame is blank.
  • Just checked. The game has now deleted all other scores except mine from all played levels. To clarify..... on levels played earlier where the performance queue was once showing are now currently scrubbed of all scores except mine.
  • Having a problem..... The game runs properly but fails to track/report score rankings when completed. When a level is completed it only displays my own score and no others. The game was rostering correctly and then ceased this feature for the most recent 5 levels. Can this feature be restored?
  • Never mind.... think I am good 2 go. Thnx
  • Well I cannot reload the game. It played fine before but now requires an updated flash player. Bummer that
  • Thnx abe_coffee.... I have already left him a message. Last i checked the 920 panel was still coming up.
  • Please reset my Alphabetty game back to level 1. My user number is 9262155963. Thank you...
  • Thnx for the link. Y’know scores are minor reflections of any game...... nothing terribly meaningful. But the format here sticks you with same small clutch of ‘comparable’ players which delivers such a teensy sampling of the game dynamics. It leaves one wondering where each game could flex to - what is the real and…
    in Nubee2 Comment by adlib March 2020
  • English. I live in the Pacific Northwest in America. As to the game itself I do have some questions. Clearly there are adjuncts that effects a persons score. Those who deploy the manipulation features will rally a faster game and most likely obtain higher scores. I rarely use those ......... are my…
    in Nubee2 Comment by adlib March 2020

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