sadly for us the game is geared for these non-players! There is little in the game to assist or encourage long term, loyal players. I hear you loud and clear - it is so frustrating and selfish on the part of non-players - plus the fact King refuses to do anything about it. I am sure it would not be that difficult to create…
hi - not sure what you mean about the star board. The stars are useless - to me anyway. I have the same issue with the Jackalope - but I try not to worry. - at least I have jt. (I’ve had weeks where it has not appeared.) Overall I have little to do in this game.
agree agree agree - I am sure they could work something out at the studio - if they put their mind to it. I don’t get how players chose a tile then do nothing. Most of us like to win the boosters. I feel the studio has something to do with the fact we constantly get matched with players who go out of their way to stop or…
it would also be appreciated if the all-player bubble challenges were at an achievable level to win boosters. Currently it is insulting with the impossible number required - and we get 2 of the same challenges in a row!
that is extremely frustrating. My annoyance is the pop-up telling me to pick a tile while I wait for a blocker/tile sitter to complete the game! I hope your issue fixes soon.