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dinopvh Level 2


  • We try to contact them in different ways, email, social networks but the answers are always standard or with excuses that don't make any sense because they don't present proof while we all manage to prove the grotesque mistakes. But we will not leave it at that, we are getting a refund of all the amount we spent on the…
  • After sleepless nights investing beyond the money, my time, isolated from my family, I qualified and even so they excluded me from the next phase of the competition, as they did with others, we discovered that the game itself uses a robot to force us to spend more, profile without a photo, with a fake name and that they…
  • In addition to not sleeping, I invested money to get my ranking and now for no apparent reason, they leave me out of the round? That would certainly warrant a lawsuit against the company.
  • In addition to not sleeping, I invested money to get my ranking and now for no apparent reason, they leave me out of the round? That would certainly warrant a lawsuit against the company.
  • But I should be playing this round since I qualified for it. If they took me out it was because of a mistake in the game, I have the proof of my classification there
  • I'm glad it's not just me, there must be some problem with the app. The same thing happened to me, I qualified and I'm waiting for the start of Monday q should be HJ at 10 am. I've already sent an email and other people complained about the same thing
  • I don't know if there was any mistake in the competition that was supposed to start today at 10 am but so far the score is not updated, I spent the last 2 sleepless nights to overtake my opponent, I spent some money to qualify, I managed to overtake him with only 15 minutes left to the end of the first phase and now I'm…

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