Looking for people to join my team! After being at the end of the map for a couple of months, I just got too bored, deleted my account and started over. Sadly, the team I was on previously is full (I think it might have a zombie of my deleted account). I'm a very active player and am looking for other active members toโฆ
I have been at the end of the levels for a while and found it extremely boring. After months of having no chance of winning the side challenges, I finally started a new profile. This new profile is not earning the daily bonus. I've restarted the game, cleared the cache, nothing. I tried going back to the old profile, andโฆ
I reached the second stage of Gold Cup, but since I'm at the end of the levels, there's no way I can compete with other players who can do 100 levels in a week. Very frustrating not being able to earn bonuses on already-played-levels. I finally gave up and started a new profile, but then it was too late to join in theโฆ
Looking for a few new members to join our very active team. We never miss completing all three chests and bake both cakes in the first few hours. The more helpers, the merrier! Team name: Red Velvet Team Number: 707921787.