welcome. I have a tip for you when ur on the page ready to play ur level on the bottom right hand corner u will see an Arrow… click on that and u will see 2 Arowws. This is supposed to make ur game faster I’m told I love the playing with the 2 arrows myself u can change back wen u want there’s not much of a difference but…
Me to. I’m on level 10.000. And it’s impossible to pass so many levels without buying boosters which I don’t mind but I was spending so much money it was rediculous. Yes I’m addicted but why can’t it be easier? And I hate those little tan ghosts or whatever they are they don’t give u enough turns to be able to beat those…
it could be Apple if u use them to purchase stuff that’s what happened to me. Apple said I owed them some money so when I purchased 👍boosters it all came back to normal. Hope this helps
how or where do I go to get 20 th badge. ? I still don’t no where to go to leave comments am I doing it right by replying from another players comment it’s the one thing I can never figure out and also I have so many badges coming to me but I have no idea where to post it I’ve been told I’m in the wrong spot sometimes.…
I need my member ID th he one under my pic DINCE I’m locked out now three days support told me to get my id number. Can someone point to snywhere that I can get my id appear I see under other peoples comments it automatically shows thier user I’d. What can I do to get mine to pop up there has to me way I can get that it’s…
This 4. I’ve been posting 4-5-6 but was told wrong screen shot is this the right one?? Also wen I was new I didn’t no about badges so I never showed a screen shot for level 1 and 3. Is possible to get them without proof?? Thanks