Hey guys it's been a few hours... Still is not working!!! Any news or updates on the situation? Hope it gets working soon! Tagged Community Pals 🙃 @Nikolaos_Prodromidis @MooMooKD @MimisBug @aijaziqbal @tommysolvang @tippytiff
Yeah, it's still down for me too... Hope it is fixed soon because I look forward to this on Tuesdays!!! Have a great day, guys. 🙃 💋 Tagged Community Pals 😜 @Nikolaos_Prodromidis @tommysolvang @MimisBug @aijaziqbal
Hey community! I was thinking about... pros about CLOSED arena on Mondays ☺️ cons about CLOSED arena on Mondays 🙁 | Write your opinions... There are absolutely NO wrong answers ... This is not a debate.. just write your thoughts guys! | ______________________________________________ ~ tagged pals ❤️ ~ @Nikolaos_Prodromidis…