Stop the whole life and death thing it's stupid
If I want to play the game I wanna play the game why should I have to shut the game off because I don't have any wives because I'm certainly not going to pay for lives . As far as giving a life the best I can figure is people just don't know how to do it they see the little pink heart but they don't realize they have to…
Less steps to log in and out of facebook
Why should I have to press so many buttons to log out of Facebook . I play on different devices so sometimes they don’t calibrate my games and it makes it necessary for me to log in and out of Facebook all the time .
After 5 sweeps to go down to lower levels excelerate speed
When scrolling down after 5 sweeps make the board move down faster so people playing on large ipads can get down easier.
When scrolling down increase speed
I have proposed other modes of going to different worlds easier and faster so now I have another possibility . If one begins scrolling down please increase the speed to get down faster . Even that would be helpful when you were scrolling down 5000 levels . The fact that the board shoots you back up after commercials, when…
Consolidate like ideas Into proper caragories
This whole ideas thing is out of hand people are posting the same ideas as new ideas because there are no categories how can we have any power if we’re not all in the same category and our ideas are spread all over the place and can’t be found
Answer people about there ideas
When someone has any idea that is very important to them they need to at least have some answer . I can see that candy crush has someone that answers some of the questions . My problem is I want someway to navigate the board and get to the level I want to be at . I would highly appreciate it if someone would answer me and…
5436 has problem constant loading
I got 5 moves left the game and then the game started loading candies out the left upper port and would not stop I had to abort game i have a vedio if you need it.
Game piece that moves like a knight
I think a booster that moves like a knight in chess might be a lot of fun
How to win fast
Do well, and win fast, in Candy Crush. These are my suggestions for successful quick progress. The game is like chess, to me. Look at the board. What are your goals, do special candies, keys, or fruit drop from specific areas? Winning fast may require working in these areas. Look and make decisions before beginning play…