Game change
Whatever just happened to the graphics on my game is just awful!! I feel like it's now for Children. Why can't they just leave things alone. Terrible.
No Friends
It really is awful that king can't find a way to add friends when you don't play through FB. I've needed help so many times and can't get any. The friends that "King" has picked for me never help bc they are so far behind me . I help so many that I don't know who they are (which I enjoy doing) on my list. Why can't they…
Level 4628
I can't get level 4628...tried every booster, no boosters left . I'm out of everything. It's not the same as the video. The video has it as easy this is under super hard. Been on it for days and I can't get help bc my acct is not connected through FB only Windows Microsoft.
Level 75 on Pet rescue
So I've been playing random levels and helping people. That's how I got to level 75. Do you stop getting coins at this point when you feed your pets? I'm only getting hearts for the meter....So, kind of is a bummer bc I was playing to save up coins. So for a whole month it's just going to be hearts for the meter ? I don't…
@Lynette , @Lady_Choo Why does my comment under Contest for "It's celebration Season" need approved?
Petopia~Get rid of it king!
I'm seeing so many complaints about Petopia . There are so many issues, many can't even play their games why won't King just get rid of it! By the time they "FIX" everything it will be over. So many players have been froze..just to many problems. GET rid of it!!
Daily reward
Since petopia started my daily rewards are not going into my rewards . I should have at least 5 paint cans since last week I have none. Today that was my reward and it's not there. Petopia has really messed everything up and I want it gone!
Piggy Bank
I have a question...once you reach the end of levels and you're only playing Mystery Mountain, Carnival ,, etc. Does your stars not go into Piggy Bank anymore until next levels come out? Stars are not going into Piggy Bank but are going into my chest.
Level 6245
Just a rant
I really wish king would get it together. I need the +button so I can get to previous levels to get some coins to at least have enough for a paint brush to try to get through this crazy level 6112!!