The Chocolate Box event gives delicious rewards to those who succeed in the quests held within- will you dare open it?

How do I play Chocolate Box?
You'll receive a Chocolate Box with a task assigned to you so you can start the fun immediately.
However, you'll be able to change each task a total of 3 times. Choose wisely and strategize your gameplay to make the most of your opportunities.
Keep an eye on the timer for new tasks and remember, you can't have more than one quest in progress at a time, but with focus and determination, you'll conquer them all!
What else do I need to know about Chocolate Box?
It's important to know how to achieve your quest goal. If it's to 'collect' items, you can do this on any level, but if it's to pass levels or progress through the map, you can only do this on levels you haven't already passed before. If the task asks you to use a UFO Booster, the ones that are already on the level do not count.
When is Chocolate Box available to play?
As with our challenges and events, they'll come and go and you'll see different events at different times. We like to keep things varied and fun!
The Chocolate Box event will appear as a pop-up when it begins and you'll see it in your Events tab. Time to jump on in!
Did you know that the Chocolate Box feature was tweaked due to our Community's feedback? Would you like to know more about the Chocolate Box updates, or what other Crushers around the world are saying? Check out the Candy Crush Saga Community Forum now!