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RichieRich2020 Newbie


  • RichieRich2020
    RichieRich2020 earned the Helpful badge.
    You’ve helped someone and that’s good! Hooray for getting your first Helpful reaction.
    June 6
  • RichieRich2020
    RichieRich2020 earned the Name Dropper badge.
    You encourage dialogue by dropping people’s names… Job done!
    June 5
  • RichieRich2020
    RichieRich2020 earned the 2 Comments badge.
    No longer a beginner you’re getting comfortable around here.
    June 5
    • RichieRich2020

      Oh a question people.....where do I find what my User ID number is? Could someone please let me know and feel free to send me my User ID number if you see it? Thanks again in advance for your help and time and I look forward to seeing this soon.

      Richard Bobrik Jr.

  • RichieRich2020
    RichieRich2020 changed their profile picture.
    June 5
  • RichieRich2020
    Thanks for sticking with us for 4 years.
    June 5
    • RichieRich2020

      Yeah I finally earned my 4th anniversary badge. It's been awhile since I've reconnected back here. There's nobody better at this business industry than King and I respect that. Thanks King. Richard

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