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Andy_Green Level 3


  • I'm beginning to think my age is affecting my ability to complete some of these levels! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Anyhow… does anyone have tips on how to complete this level, please? Thank you. πŸ˜€
  • Thank you once again for yet another in-depth guide! After following your wonderful tips, I succeeded in completing this level on my first go!
  • Hi Lim! Just frustrating when a level isn't ranked as "hard', yet, it's truly very difficult. πŸ˜‚ I will leave this game for a couple of weeks and hopefully get the "we missed you. Here's X extra moves" message when I return. πŸ˜€
  • I'm getting bored now playing this level over and over and over and still not being able to complete it. Most frustrating level ever! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  • I've been unable to pass this level (4719) ever since these were released. :( I get nowhere close and lucky if I get one diamond out of the three required. I'm also 200 diamonds away from being able to add an additional 5 extra moves. This alone will take me many many weeks! SSo, Has anyone actually managed to complete…
  • This notification still keeps popping up every time I start the game app. Selection Yes or No doesn't stop it either. :(
  • Came here to see if anyone else is struggling with this level and I'm not alone lol. Such a shame as the previous 2 weeks new levels were brilliant and all passable with no problems!
  • Thank you. You must get very tired and frustrated having to report buggy or impossible levels nearly every week! You're an excellent player at this game - can't the team get you to try new levels before they are released? πŸ˜€
  • Oh, screenshot disappeared.... Try again
  • Look at how much time I have left (see screenshot). What are the chances of this and other levels being fixed before the timer runs out? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  • Thank you once again for responding so swiftly. New set of levels and the same issue with impassable levels. Frustrating. Such a shame as it means the 24 hour free play I was granted is off no help to me now. I can't keep replaying the level over and over to get 5 extra moves as I need 600 diamonds and I'm below 100 at the…
  • Still no fix? πŸ˜•
    in Level 4631 Comment by Andy_Green July 2
  • Yep, I'm now past that level πŸ˜€
  • EDIT * Just replayed the level and an extra two moves have been added. i was hoping the level would have been fixed by now. :(
  • Yes, it is deeply frustrating, especially since it's not just this level that needs tweaking! Last weeks batch of levels were an absolute pleasure to play. All abled to be completed without issues.
  • Thank you for your step by step guide! I'm still struggling.My best so far is 8 jewels remaining. 🀣
  • Hello! Normally I also report impossible levels but I did manage to complete this level (4538) without using extra moves or boosters. πŸ˜€
    in Level 4538 Comment by Andy_Green May 15
  • I've maxed out the new levels. All completed without extra moves! Great to see a new batch that doesn't require waiting for levels to be fixed as needed before because of impossible levels. Well done team!
  • I've maxed out lol. Guess I should leave it a month until new levels are added. Going to miss playing! πŸ˜€
  • The trick is to make chains of 12 and make su re they (star rays) are above or below the circle with the key. By triggering these, it removes multiple blocks (hidden until keys are collected) that are blocking the keys. Sample screenshot below. Hope this helps.
    in Level 4456 Comment by Andy_Green April 4

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?