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Ann_Menmuir Level 2

Bubblegum hill has not appeared !


  • level 15658 it’s not actually possible to pass this level with allocated moves or a ton of boosters, the thing is if you do pay for more moves/boosters you only get to level 15661 and it’s another unachievable level ! Absolutely shocking
  • level 15292 is not achievable unless you spend money on either many boosters or more lives, the developers state every level can be passed without boosters or buying moves….. absolute nonsense! It is nearly every other level now just a.very boring game now, no skill or strategy required to pass levels just money ! Candy…
  • Level 15019 …… yet again not achievable wholly designed to make money from players, probably wouldn’t mind if this was a rare occurrence but it’s nearly every other level now ! Think the game is really now getting past it’s sell by date …..
  • level 14974 yet again another level deliberately designed to be unachievable unless loads of boosters used or extra moves bought 🙄 Just boring ! No strategy or skill required…… just money, think the developers have ran out of ideas, game is getting well past its sell by date !
  • so blatantly obvious now, example level 14947 is absolutely unachievable so developers now design levels that you cannot pass unless you pay ! I’m happy to pay for some aspects of the game but will not pay to pass a level that has moves reduced to make you pay …….. Greedy King ! used to be a great game
  • I’ve been stuck on Level 14947 for nearly a week now, used most of my boosters trying to pass it, asked for help twice - none given, not paying to buy moves when the moves have deliberately been reduced to make level unachievable unless you pay because it will just happen again and again …….. game never used to be like…
  • stuck on level 14947 unachievable with moves reduced from 35 to 25, yet another level altered for financial gain only, King state all levels are achievable without boosters or paying any money ! Becoming just boring
  • moves have deliberately been reduced to make level unachievable unless you spend money, happens nearly evely level now 😡
  • Reached level 14938, yet another level with not enough moves and very quickly extra moves offered at a price, seems the developers have no imagination to create levels that are challenging but achievable which gives incentive to play and pass not just buy more moves, becoming quite a boring game 😟
  • still only 24 moves, on level 14935 ! contacted King who say level actually has a high pass rate ! Absolute nonsense level is definitely unachievable, people don’t get to this level not knowing how to play the game
  • Used to have 32 moves, now 24 just an obvious change to make you buy moves otherwise unachievable, happening on more and more levels now !
  • used to be a great game spent a fortune over the years, don’t know what king have done to it but it’s just boring now certainly not worth spending money on, keep saying connection problems every other game works fine
  • I have bubblegum gum hill but there’s no point in it, you don’t receive your rewards due to their “connection problems’ so just spend time complaining and it just gives you more stress, so for the people that don’t have it your not really missing out
  • No I still don’t have it, I don’t actually think king care anything for their customers, they have lost me as a paying customer, I’m not spending a penny until its back
  • I don’t believe a word of it, for some reason they don’t want us to have it, which is pretty bad to treat customers this way, but I wish they would stop insulting our intelligence with stupid false reasons for it being withheld, they won’t get another penny from me ! I wish some other company would make similar
  • When bubblegum hill came back last week it stated it was here for 2+ days I immediately bought gold bars then bubblegum hill disappeared after a few hours, so king lied to their customers I’ve contacted king directly and complained, they got money from me by misleading me, no offer of a refund, absolutely disgraceful and…
  • I had bubblegum gum hill last night it said I would have it for 2+ days I immediately bought gold bars then it disappeared after a few hours ! I was fooled into spending money ! Absolutely disgraceful shocking way to treat people
  • king should be ashamed to disregard their customers wishes at thus difficult time just shows how much they value their customers, I’ve spent a fortune over the years on king games ! They won’t get another penny until bubblegum hill returns
  • I’ve spent a fortune over the years playing bubblegum hill and candy crush, king won’t get another penny from me until bubblegum returns, they certainly don’t value their customers, shocking!
  • It’s quite insulting of king to think their customers actually believe that in this day and age it takes weeks to solve a technical so called problem !

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