Yes, it is really not fair. We had to purchase extra booster to clear levels and those who had the helmet did not need to make any purchase to clear all the levels. And I believe this feature had been launched for 1 year and more, and why is it still on testing purpose? Or why are we still not been chosen to test the…
See if this tip works for you: If you're a programmer here is a link that perhaps you can get a job working for King: Elsa, Thank you for the response. I had cleared the level, but those are…
I would say, "Kuddos to you!" :) I don't apply because I'm retired. (And that doesn't mean I was tired yesterday, too, though I was!) Thank you for taking the time to communicate. I appreciate it. Now as I tell my kids and grandkids, "Behave!" ;)
Hi Elsa, and thank you for giving of your time. Perhaps I'm too cynical, but this is what your message leaves me thinking. I already have noticed, constantly, what would be considered "bugs" if they were not so predictable and always serving to obstruct the player. (I literally have proven I can predict what will happen in…
Hahaha! Not often I hear that when I'm complaining! :) My wife, and I don't have to pay her that much to do it, says, "You're actually not a difficult person...when you're sleeping!" Wonder what she means by that? ;)
So, since I cannot really control when I "level up," this is just one more aspect, like the numerous errors I have written about and been ignored, that ALL work in the favor of selling lives and moves. Not surprising, but honesty would be refreshing.
I passed that level some time ago despite the errors in the way it performs, only to find similar errors several more times in the next 100 levels. Are you someone who can test the issues I pointed out and, if I am correct, fix them?