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Level 2


  • Hi Cibolina. I am not sure why this happens, but can you clear your cache or history on your device? This helps a lot of issues. I will pass this on to the Moderator for you also. Thanks! Hi Laura, I play in Microsoft apps, no idea how to clear the browser there. At any rate, the level is impossible been stuck for 5 days…
  • It's a nasty level that I've been on for days - even with the Space Dash it's impossible. Either give the bombs a higher countdown or reduce them - it's not fun to play at all. I unfortunately don't have space dash. seems I'm not one of the Players that it's being tested on. As usual after bit.....g I got close this…
  • And yet another nerve wrecking level :-( Getting sick and tired of moving candies around with no outcome, a complete waste of playing time! Think it's time to find another game!

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